PLEASE NOTE: eBay errors are common. If your item is showing "Failed to List" after attempting to list, you can learn more by clicking on the item receiving error to see what eBay is asking from your listing under 'eBay Status'.
This eBay error is related directly to your eBay Business Policies. Either the payment policy was not created automatically upon setting up your JoeLister account, the name of the policy has been changed on eBay, or the payment policy profile has been deleted on eBay.
You will need to manually create a payment policy profile on eBay's portal - OR - rename an existing payment policy exactly as the following: JOELISTER_PAYMENT_PROFILE
Otherwise, JoeLister will not recognize the policy and listings will continue to fail with error.
Below are the steps on how to manually create a payment policy on eBay.
1.) Use these links to access your Business Policy Profiles page on eBay:
- Edit your Business Policy Profiles on eBay (US)
- Edit your Business Policy Profiles on eBay (CA)
- Edit your Business Policy Profiles on eBay (UK)
- Edit your Business Policy Profiles on eBay (DE)
2.) You should see a page similar below
3.) Click on the "Create policy" drop down menu and choose "Payment"
4.) You will reach an empty Payment business policy profile creation page
5.) Under the Policy name field enter: JOELISTER_PAYMENT_PROFILE
You must enter exactly as above and what is shown in screenshot otherwise JoeLister will not recognize the business policy profile and the listings will continue to fail. The below screenshot is also the default settings for the payment policy.
6.) Click "Save" at the bottom of the page as shown in above screenshot.
7.) Go to your Amazon Inventory Tab on JoeLister and try to list the errored items again. You will also need to be subscribed to a JoeLister plan. You can sign up at any time in your settings here.
If you continue to run into eBay errors, please file a support ticket with a screenshot of your business policy page as it appears on eBay using the links in Step 1 and the current eBay error you're seeing on the Amazon Inventory Tab on JoeLister for further investigation.
Please see more of this article on how to manually create all the business policies on eBay.