PLEASE NOTE: eBay errors are common. If your item is showing "Failed to List" after attempting to list, you can learn more by clicking on the item receiving error to see what eBay is asking from your listing under 'eBay Status'.
This eBay error relates directly to your eBay listing limits, not JoeListers. eBay keep limits on users to make sure you're a reliable seller before they let you operate at a bigger capacity. If you have a lot of volume on Amazon, you can appeal through a special partnership we've set up with eBay.
If you want to apply, please fill out this form:
You may have hit your limit because eBay count your inventory listed on eBay, not just the number of listings. They also multiply the dollar value of your listings by the number of items you have "in stock" with them, and this may have caused you to hit your dollar value limits with them too.
You may need to lower your preferred listing max quantity in your Advanced Settings.
If the Preferred Listing Max Quantity setting is left blank - this will reflect the same quantity you have in stock with Amazon on eBay which may have caused you to hit your limits.
Lowering that quantity to 1 or 2 should help you get more listings up.
You can find your preferred listing quantity feature in the Advanced Settings here.
Example below:
Related Articles:
Quantity sync and preferred listing quantity.